BRB's Free Public Record Search Directory

The links provided represent FREE public record search sites, as monitored by BRB Publications for inclusion in our subscription products.

If you are a professional researching and using public records on a daily basis, we suggest you consider a free evaluation of the Public Record Research System. This service has ALL the information.

Please choose a state from the list to begin your search

About BRB:

  • BRB has published over 150 book editions and operates five web pages providing professional reference information.
  • The online Public Record Research System (PRRS) provides extensive details on record access policies and procedures for 28,800+ government and private agencies.
  • The is the site for resource information about state motor vehicle records and violation code tables.
  • BRB manages the Public Record Retriever Network at, an association of on-site public record researchers.
  • For background screening firms, BRB provides thee State Rules Register and other products at

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